Expert Legal Services in East London/Essex
Have you found your dream home? Or maybe you are looking to sell your home and move to pastures new? Either way, it will be one of the most important decisions you will ever make. So, you’ll want someone by your side to advise and guide you in a clear and informative manner through the often complex and stressful process. Crimson Phoenix Solicitors is here to help you. We offer a friendly, professional and personalised service at a competitive price. With our many years of conveyancing experience, we will lead you step-by-step from start to finish to achieve your wish.
We offer expert advice and assistance on the following :
- Buying a property
- Selling a property
- Buy-to-Let property
- Mortgaging and Re-mortgaging
- Transfers of Equity
Whether you’re a first-time buyer or seller, an experienced property investor, or just looking to mortgage/re-mortgage your property, Crimson Phoenix Solicitors is here for you every step of the way.
If you would like more information, including a pricing guide, please click here or you can contact us on 0208 591 6500 or by email at

Commercial Property
Have you found your dream location for your business? Perhaps you’re looking to sell up and move on to a new chapter in your life? If so, Crimson Phoenix Solicitors is at your service. We have a wealth of knowledge and experience dealing with commercial property transactions on behalf of buyers, sellers, landlords and tenants.
We offer expert advice and assistance on the following :
- Buying a commercial property
- Selling a commercial property
- New leases
- Surrendering leases
- Assignment of leases
- Renewing leases
- Varying leases
- Subletting
If you would like more information, please contact us on 0208 591 6500 or by email at

Immigration and Citizenship
Are you looking to come to the U.K.? Maybe you want to visit its historical attractions or to come and spend some time with family and friends? Perhaps you want to work or invest or start a business here? Or study at one of its many highly acclaimed schools and universities? Maybe you are looking to come here to live with a loved one?
Are you already in the U.K. and looking to extend your visa or switch to a different visa? Or regularise your stay in the U.K.? Maybe you are looking to live here permanently? Perhaps you want to become a British citizen?
Crimson Phoenix Solicitors is here to help. We have gained extensive knowledge and experience through dealing with and overcoming all manner of immigration and nationality problems. We will get to know you and your particular circumstances and then come up with the best solution to achieve your goal. There are various visa routes to the U.K., some of which can be complicated and involve many rules and regulations. We will guide you every step of the way with clear information and advice and at a competitive price.
We offer expert advice and assistance in all areas including the following:
- Visas for visiting the U.K.
- Visas for working/investing/starting a business in the U.K.
- Visas for studying in the U.K.
- Family visas to live with a family member in the U.K.
- Right of Abode for Commonwealth citizens
- British National (Overseas) visa
- Settlement (Indefinite Leave to Remain) in the U.K.
- EU Settlement Scheme British citizenship including naturalisation
- Appeals against a visa or immigration decision
- Visa administrative reviews
- Visa and immigration reconsideration requests
If you would like more information, including a pricing guide, please click here or you can contact us on 0208 591 6500 or by email at

We understand that a breakdown in a relationship can be a very difficult and stressful time. Crimson Phoenix Solicitors will treat your matter confidentially and with the utmost understanding and compassion. We aim to resolve any issues and conflict through negotiation or mediation. We will advise and guide you throughout to achieve the best outcome for you without having to go to court. However, if this is not possible, then we are experienced in dealing with matters in court.
We offer expert advice and assistance on the following :
- Divorce
- Financial Settlements
- Injunctions
If you would like more information, please contact us on 0208 591 6500 or by email at

We know that the death of a loved one can be an especially traumatic time in anyone’s life. The last thing you want to be doing is dealing with paperwork and the responsibilities tied to obtaining Probate. The rules can be complex. Crimson Phoenix Solicitors is here to provide you with the best advice and guidance in a sympathetic and timely manner every step of the way. We can take the burden off your shoulders by notifying relevant people, companies and organisations. We will calculate whether there is any Inheritance Tax payable and apply for Probate on your behalf. We can also deal with the collection of assets and distribution of the Estate after Probate has been obtained.
We offer expert advice and assistance on the following :
- Applying for Probate where there is a Will
- Applying for Probate where there is no Will
- Asset collection and distribution
- Advising executors who may wish to apply for Probate themselves
If you would like more information, including a pricing guide, please click here or you can contact us on 0208 591 6500 or by email at
Other Services
Crimson Phoenix Solicitors is also here to help you on the following :
- Compromise agreements
If your employment has been terminated (or is soon to be terminated) we can advise and guide you on the proposed terms and whether you should accept or if you are entitled to more under law.
- Lasting Power of Attorney
If you’re married or in a civil partnership, you might assume that should you lose the ability to make decisions regarding your finances, health or care, your spouse will be able to step in to do the necessary. This is simply not true. They will need a Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA). An LPA is a legal document that allows an appointed person or persons to make decisions on your behalf if you lose mental capacity or if you no longer wish to make decisions for yourself. There are two types – one relates to property and financial decisions and the other relates to health and care decisions. An LPA needs to be registered with the Office of the Public Guardian before it can be valid for use. We can advise and guide you in completing the forms and also register LPAs.
- Ordinary Power of Attorney
An Ordinary Power of Attorney is a legal document that allows an appointed person or persons to make financial decisions on your behalf. It is appropriate to provide cover for a short period of time (eg. if you are going on holiday), or if you find it difficult to get out and about or you need someone to act for you on a particular matter. It’s only valid while you have the mental capacity to make your own decisions. It does not need to be registered. We can advise you and prepare the document to your specification.
- Affidavits and Statutory Declarations
An Affidavit is a written statement that is sworn to be true. They are predominantly used in court settings. A Statutory Declaration is a written statement of facts but unlike an affidavit it is not sworn and is predominantly used outside of court settings. We can advise and you and prepare the document to your specification.
If you would like more information, please contact us on 0208 591 6500 or by email at